vendredi 25 mars 2011

WIP: a spring blouse

You know how I used to wish I had more time to sew? actually happened. And I mean in a good way. I started a new job a month ago. I went from 12hour days with a 1/2hour commute to a nice 9-6, 8 blocks away from my apartment...(not to mention the job actually has more career potential)

I'm loving it. I actually go home and still have energy to sit down and sew. I have time to sew before I have to think about dinner. I even have energy to sew after dinner...

So I have been sewing almost every day since last week-end!
Here is a sneak peak of my current project, a spring Pendrell blouse in a colorful flowerish print bought recently.

I have the sleeves to attach then the side seams and then I'm done.

2 commentaires:

  1. I've just finished my third make of the Pendrell blouse! Yours looks lovely - it really suits prints, this blouse.

  2. Love the fabric!! I'm also a fan of the Pendrell. :0)
