On Monday nights I have choir practice and a few women there also knit. Last week one of them brought a pile of magazines from her stash she was looking to give away. I took my pick and left with a few vintage ones.
First, McCall's Sweater Book from 1975:This one is StitchCraft, from 1970. At the turn of the decade, the style is still very reminiscent of the 60's

How cute is that hat on the right?
Golden Hands Monthly is more of a Craft magazine but it includes a couple of sewing patterns. I could totally see myself make the dress below:

Although to get the pattern, you have to draw it to scale based on the graph included:

I think I still prefer tracing patterns from Burda magazine. The pattern for this skirt however is included in sizes 10 to 16.

The last magazine that most caught my eye in the pile was this one, Unger (1966):
Even though I don't know if I would be able to pull off a knitted 60's dress such as these, I very much like the illustrations:
Oh wow. Beautiful illustrations and styling. Thanks for sharing these!